尚舞会 发表于 2010-9-13 13:46:09


阿根廷探戈季-2010年十月十一月(Argentine Tango Workshop Season Oct, Nov 2010) 高水平、纯正阿根廷探戈教师 JUANMA & SABRINA
任教沙龙探戈及表演探戈 Master JUANMA VS SABRINA coming for salon tango and stage tango workshop

序号课程/ workshop时间/ time schedule课时/ classes
1常规workshop/ regular workshop10.10-10.17or 10.4-10.17/10.23-10.31/11.15-11.2620 classes around for each workshop
2全国教师培训/ professional teachers training10.4-10.710.18-10.21
4 天/ 4 DAYS
3表演作品班/ show tango lesson11.06-11.7—11.13-11.14/11.27-11.28—12.4-12.5每期24小时/ 24 hours for each class
4私教课程/ private lesson10.4-12.121小时为一个课时起/ 1 hour for each lesson start
常规workshop/Regular workshop:

项目/group class现场报名/walk in price9月20日前报名/register before 20th Sept学生/带舞伴报名/ 5 人以上集体报名,相应条件下,不累计 students; or register with partner;
or 5 or more people group register with relative conditions
A1:单次/class16013010% OFF
B1:4次/4-class pass600500
C1: 8次/ 8-class pass1050900
D1: 12次/ 12-class pass14501150
E1: 16次 / 16-class pass17001500
F1: 20次 / 20-class pass20001850

2.小课 / private class小课为600元/小时,如需要,50元助教翻译费用。One hour private class charges 600RMB, if you need the interpreter it will charge 50RMB to the assistant (English to Chinese) 3. 全国教师培训班 /professional teacher training workshop

课程时间/ time schedule课时/ hours价格/ price
10.18-10.214 天 /DAYS2,000RMB
4. 舞台探戈作品班 / stage tango workshop

作品班 4天20小时,一个作品完整教授/Show tango class 4 days with 20 hours, one complete show tango
参加作品课同学享受免费大师班期间表演milonga 的待遇,约合计每次100元/次/ free entrance to milongas with shows during the workshop
A3:现场报名 / walk in price5000
B3: 提前报名价格9月20日前 折扣/early bird price register before 20th Sept
C3: 带舞伴报名/register with partner; 5 人以上集体报名/ 5 or more people group register 次4500
D3: 预定大课8次及以上,折扣/register with C1 level and above get discount 4000
B1, studio in club, Tower B, East Gate Plaza, Dong si shi tiao, Chaoyang district, BeijingB:
Room605、606 Building No.3 Pekin INN Chao yang men nei Street.Dong cheng District BeijingC:
Tower B, HT business zone, No 10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, BeijingD:
Lido Area 此外,还有更多个性化课程推出,以及精彩纷呈的练习课、音乐及电影沙龙、舞会及大型表演舞会与大家分享。Besides, we have more tailor made courses open now to satisfying all the students. As the same time we have more practice classes, music and movies salon, milongas and grant milongas sharingwith all the friends. 老师介绍/ introduces:Juan Manuel comes back to Beijing AGAIN this year with a great dancer and teacher: Sabrina Garcia for teaching and culture exchanges activities for over 2 months this year. Juan Manuel and Sabrina are professional couple of Argentine Tango with many years of experiences teaching and dancing at the salon and at the stage. They have been traveling trough many countries like Italia, France, Alemania, Zuiza, Austria,German, Japan, Korea, China, Portugal, España, Polonia and other countries for teaching, dancing, and performing in different stages and milongas.
Juan Manuel also is the principal dancer now at the prestigious show called “Sabor a Tango” with the famous choreographer, dancer, and teacher Veronica Salmeron. Sabrina plays the big role at the famous show “confiteria ideal” They share the same feeling about the tango, they love tango and dancing and for this reason they have been searching in different dance like classical dance, contemporary, modern jazz. After having this deep research of various of dances, they have a very good handling of the body and the energy for dancing.They believe that “Qi(Energy)” is a very important element of Tango Argentino, therefore, you can feel the passion and energy that they utilize in their original tango performances and classes.JuanMa and Sabrina earned themselves a reputation as very precise, understanding, dedicated, systematical, entertaining and professional teachers from dancers of all levels. 阿根廷探戈表演艺术家、舞蹈家、教师幻马携著名舞者及教师莎波瑞娜今年再度回到中国,进行为期两个月的教学、演出和文化交流活动。幻马和莎波瑞娜是有多年舞台探戈演出以及教学经验的职业舞者和教师。他们游历包括意大利、法国、阿尔巴尼亚、葡萄牙、西班牙、波兰、德国、奥地利、日本、韩国、中国等众多国家进行教学、演出以及文化交流活动。 目前幻马在著名的show “Sabor a Tango”中同著名的舞者及大师 Veronica Salmeron 一起合作担任重要角色; 莎波瑞娜则在大型表演秀“Confiteria Ideal” 担任主角。 他们对探戈的热爱使他们更多地钻研其他舞种包括古典舞、现代舞、爵士舞等并融汇贯通于探戈的表现力中,因此使得他们的探戈的表现力和身体控制力尤为突出。 他们相信犹如中国的太极,“气”在阿根廷探戈中是一个非常重要的元素,在他们得课程中你会更加深刻的感觉到这一元素的运用。幻马和莎波瑞娜的教学,非常细致、精准、系统、专业,易于理解,适合所有级别的学生和舞者。 JUAN MANUEL wrote to us:“Dance is not only about steps and shape, for us it’s a big connection at first with yourself: your body, mind and soul need to be connected and after that you are ready to connect with the other one... in some how you are opening your soul when you dance, like these your partner will really “feel” what you want to do.We developed an easy and systematical way to teach this mix of different techniques that will help you with your tango If you already dance, or give you the elements to know about your body and energy if you never dance tango.It doesn’t matter which style you dance: Tango salon, milonguero style or tango show… there is only one body, you just need to know how to utilize your body and energy and you will be able to dance all the style as you wish because the tango it is just one.” 幻马写给大家的:舞蹈不仅仅是步伐和身形,在阿根廷探戈中首先是要找到自我的统一,是自己身体、思想和灵魂的统一,只有这样才能和自己的舞伴达成默契,当你起舞的时候,也是你心灵打开的时刻,这样两个人的舞蹈才能成为一个整体,你的舞伴才能清晰地感受到如何跟随。 我们的教学方式是通过一个简单又有效的系统,如果你学习过探戈,可以通过这个系统来帮助你运用身体去完成各种不同的技巧;如果你从未学过,那么也能通过各种探戈元素的贯穿来帮助你开始学会运用你的身体和能量。 无论你学习的是沙龙探戈、舞会探戈亦或是舞台探戈,所有舞蹈的灵魂都在于,知道如何运用并能够运用自己的身体和能量去演绎。 全国阿根廷探戈教师培训班主办单位
国家体育总局社会体育指导中心中国体育舞蹈联合会Supervised by:
Social Dance Committee of National Sports Dance
Sports Dance Union of China承办单位:
《尚舞》 杂志(Dance Fashion Magazine) Organizers:
CDSF交谊舞委员会(CDSF Social Dance Committee)
乐真尚舞星空( Lazy Party Dance Fashion)Supported by:
北京品众文化传媒有限公司(Beijing Pro-Public Culture &Media Co .LTD)杨鸣拉丁 (Yangming Latin)探戈会(vtango)棕榈泉国际俱乐部 (Palm Springs International Club)

详情及预约请致电:More details please contact and make reservations with:刘小姐/ Sarah Liu: 13501242894 鼎力支持:      杨鸣拉丁、探戈会、棕榈泉国际俱乐部、乐真尚舞星空、品众文化Supported by:
Yangming Latin, Tango Hui, Palm Springs International Club, Lazy Party Dance Fashion, Beijing Pro- Public Culture & Media Co.,Ltd

yijueshite 发表于 2010-10-9 17:05:18

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查看完整版本: .好消息!阿根廷探戈舞者2010年十月十一月来京举办课程,文化交流